NLI Trademark List
- NeuroLeadership Institute NLI®
- Neuroleadership®
- NeuroLeadership Summit ™
- NeuroLeadership Institute™
Product Suites
- IMPROVE The Neuroscience of Better Feedback®
- INCLUDE The Neuroscience of Smarter Teams ®
- DECIDE The Neuroscience of Breaking Bias®
- SELECT The Neuroscience of Better Hiring®
- CONNECT The Neuroscience of Quality Conversation ™
- GROW The Neuroscience of Growth Mindset™
- VOICE The Neuroscience of Speaking up™
- DEVELOP The Neuroscience of Long-term Growth Conversations ™
Education Products
- BBCC Brain-Based Coaching™
- BBCS Brain-Based Conversation Skills™
- CFN Certificate in the Foundation of NeuroLeadership™
- The SEEDS Model®
- The TAPS Model®
- The AGES Model™
This list is a non-exhaustive list of NLI’s trademarks and Service Marks in the United States.