Diversity & Inclusion2019-07-23T04:52:27-04:00


Diversity and Inclusion

While D&I requires many strategies, we focus on two breakthroughs that are crucial to wide-scale change. 

We developed the world’s first model for mitigating bias, rather than just raising awareness. And we’re experts in shifting just the right habits to create more everyday inclusion.


Case Study

How BlackRock Addressed Bias

The global investment management firm leveraged the SEEDS Model® to mitigate bias and improve decision-making of 2,900 managers.

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Thought Leadership

Our latest thinking on mitigating bias, creating cultures of inclusion, and more.



Prioritizing diversity and inclusion isn’t enough. And if executed the wrong way, programs can backfire.

The key is to understand the cognitive mechanics that hamper — and support — diversity and inclusion.

Since spotting unconscious bias in your own mind is exceedingly difficult, we teach team members to call it out in one another. Since focusing on differences only increases out-groups, we cultivate in-groups.

In short: Work with the architecture of the brain, not against it.

For more Diversity and Inclusion research, see the NeuroLeadership Journal.

Partnership Options

Corporate Membership

Access research articles, webinars, networking opportunities, and much more.

Research Briefings

Schedule up to half-day sessions with an NLI expert on the topics that matter most.

Thinking Partnerships

Co-create strategies across HR and talent processes to address your most vexing challenges.

Scalable Learning Solutions

Deliver distributed, insight-rich learning across teams with maximum impact in minimum time.


Scalable Learning Solutions


The Neuroscience of Smarter Teams


The Neuroscience of Breaking Bias


The Neuroscience of Smarter Hiring


Custom solutions for specific organizational needs.

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