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Begin From Here: Our Key Work As 2022 Approaches

Begin From Here: Our Key Work As 2022 Approaches

2020 and 2021 have been some of the most remarkable years for work on record — certainly in the last century. As a wholly unique two years comes to a close, with COVID still not fully under control and workers consistently reconsidering their options, here’s some of the biggest areas we’re focusing on.

The Public Sector

This is an increasingly-relevant time for the public sector. Perceptions have changed — for better and worse — of government, but Biden administration executive orders have given agencies tremendous leeway to work on important projects around DEI, talent development, and more. What to know right now:

  • How government agencies can avoid traps and pitfalls
  • A new path to diversity and equity for government agencies
  • {Australian bonus} Improving disability workforce participation
  • VIDEO: How to use neuroscience to navigate Biden executive orders

The Big Themes

We’ve been trying to organize a chaotic working time into some bigger themes that leaders need to understand in more depth. These themes are rooted in brain science research and habit activation. What do we know about how employees might react to new processes given everything that’s happened since February 2020? How can leaders re-contextualize some of these topics?

  • How can you drive employees to generate more insights?
  • How to make virtual processes better than in-person (it’s doable)
  • The pillars of de-escalating tough situations at work
  • Everything we (think we) know about the new world of work

Hybrid Work

There are tens of thousands of hot takes and thought pieces on hybrid work out there now, typically discussing the relative merits/demerits and why it will work/fall flat. We remove the assumptions and focus on science and experience.

  • The four big assumptions about hybrid, and why they’re wrong
  • Our experience with hybrid work began in late 2016, and here’s what we’ve learned

The Great Resignation

“The Great Resignation,” alternatively titled “The Great Reconsideration,” is a major theme of the moment, as employers struggle to get quality talent, and two-week notices are flying around multiple industries. This narrative is very much tied to some of the discussions above, but our seminal work on this theme would be:

  • You won’t stop The Great Resignation, but it’s a massive opportunity. Here’s what to do.


These are aspects of our work to consider apart from the big themes above:

  • Four neuroscience acronyms that explain work, motivation, feedback, resilience, learning, and more
  • All our solutions for organizations
  • Programs for individuals
  • Upcoming events, including recurring Friday webinars
  • Your Brain At Work Podcast
  • 2022 Summit (February 15-16, 2022)
2021-10-06T07:44:05-04:00September 8th, 2021|

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